EDC brings you a range of fully refurbished ABB drives: renewed, restored, rejuvenated ... and resplendent!
"If they could see me now, that little gang of mine!" They'd see what a first-class job can be made restoring a drive to its original glory. These drives have been loyal and obedient to their previous owners and are now looking for new homes where they can continue to serve faithfully. They all come with a 12 month return to base warranty: but we know, once you take them home...you won't want to part with them.
The inverters and multidrive modules have been fully overhauled by our expert ABB trained engineers. Components nearing the end of their life cycle have been replaced and the drives tested to make sure they are ready to apply themselves in any application. Having already proven themselves in the field, the inverters are sent out to customers serviced, overhauled and guaranteed to be fully functional.
Why would I want a pre-owned drive? Why wouldn't you!? There are lots of advantages.
1) Like most electrical equipment, if something is going to fail, it's most likely to do so when you first switch it on, or very shortly afterwards - variable speed drives are no different. These units come with the gift of a track record.
2) The ACS800 range (which most of these units belong to) is now in its 'classic' phase, which means that the lead time can be significantly longer than drives which are in their 'active' phase. This means that if you have an ACS800 on your production line and it goes down, a refurbished unit is the fastest, most cost-effective way to replace like-for-like. We can then repair your exisitng unit which can be held as a spare - allowing you to maximise the life cycle of your drives.
3) Yes, we mentioned the cost-effectiveness didn't we? These units are available (ex-stock) at a significant saving (i.e. thousands of pounds) on a new ACS800 or ACS800 module drive.
4) And the fit? They'll seem to be tailor-made for the space your previous ACS800 drive occupied. And that's because they're cut from the same cloth (figuratively speaking).
Now they're just looking for suitable homes...
See our selection available below.