EDC (Scotland) Ltd and M.D Nick Brown, were pleased to support the Scottish Water Leakage Team at the recent Institute of Water's ‘Scottish Area Innovation Awards’ in Glasgow. The leakage team received a runner-up award for ‘Strictly Innovation’.
Scott Young, Leakage Manager, was put forward for the innovation award for proving that transients in the water network cause increased pipework bursts.
By measuring at 100Hz, he has been able to establish the size and distance the transients travel.
Through extensive historical data analysis and complex algorithms, he has been able to predict the expected number of bursts within a 5Km radius of a pumping station.
EDC assisted the project by retrofitting ABB ACQ variable speed drives to reduce transients when starting and stopping the pumps. These are run in ‘closed loop’ to maintain constant pressure to Scottish Water customers.
So far the project has reduced Scottish Water’s operational costs by £1.8m by leakage reduction on the first 100 sites completed. Well done to Scott and the leakage team. Pictured are Nick Brown, EDC's M.D, Phil Sayers, Network Analyst, Scott Young and Bob Wood, EM Technical Support Adviser.