You wouldn’t expect a garage to hire you a car...just because you had a puncture would you?

EDC hires inverters to customers — and there are times when ‘try before you buy’ is a sound idea: it can allow you to see the savings & benefits before you commit to purchasing. But when a drive goes down in your plant what you don’t need is the ongoing cost of hiring whilst your unit is out for repair.

That’s why all ABB drive AVPs (Authorized value providers) carry dedicated service suitcases, containing all the common spares for your drives. These greatly enhance our engineers’ ability to repair VSDs on-site, meaning less downtime and fewer hours of lost production (and, trained by ABB themselves, our engineers have an extensive knowledge of drive faults — and their solution). EDC Scotland & EDC NE are proud to be ABB inverter AVPs – and stockists of a wide range of ABB service suitcases — ONLY available to ABB drive AVPs. So, when it comes to repairing your ABB drive, it really is an open and shut case.